Lá na hEorpa

Fuarthas cuireadh glacadh páirte i Lá na hEorpa i Halla na Cathrach ar an 6ú Bealtaine 2016. Ocáid stairiúil ab ea í toisc gurbh í an chéad uair ‘s a d’eagraigh Pairlimint na hEorpa an ócáid lasmuigh de Bhaile Átha Cliath. Chuaigh Bliain 1 ar fad, le Iníon Uí Mháirtín agus Iníon Uí Dhonnchadh agus Rang Tíreolaíochta na Cúigiú Bliana leis an bPríomhoide Tánaisteach, Máistir Ó Síodhcháin, ann chun bualadh le BPE Seán Ó Ceallaigh, Deirdre Clune agus Liadh Ní Riada. Bhí deis bhreá ag ár ndaltaí labhairt leis na BPEanna toisc go rabhamair i láthair go luath. Tar éis do na BPEanna labhairt leis an slua mór go ginearálta osclaíodh an seisiún don úrlár le haghaidh ceisteanna. Fuair Meabh agus Antóin an mícreafón agus chuireadair ceisteanna faoi úsáid na Gaeilge san Eoraip agus impleachtaí an Cheantair Schengen d’Éirinn. Táimid thar a bheith buíoch do Sheán Ó Ceallaigh agus Deirdre Clune, ach go háirithe, a d’fhan siar chun labhairt linn nuair a bhí an ócáid fhéin thart. Cuireadh sóláistí ar fáil do na daltaí agus múinteoirí agus bhí deis acu bualadh le daoine ó thíortha eile san Eoraip a bhí i láthair. Tá áthas orainn go mbeidh Seán Ó Ceallaigh i láthair ag Gradam na Scoile ar an 17ú Bealtaine agus go mbeidh cuairt ar an scoil ag an t-Uasal George R. Barter, Consal Onórach na Portaingéile roimh dheireadh na míosa tar éis dóibh bualadh lenár ndaltaí ar an lá.

We were invited to partake in Europe Day in Cork City Hall on May 6th 2016. It was an hiustoric occasion, being the first time that the European Parliament had organised the event outside of Dublin. All First Year students, with Iníon Uí Mháirtín and Iníon Uí Dhonnchadh and the Fifth Year Geography Class, with Deputy Principal, Máistir Ó Síodhcháin, attended and met with MEPs Seán Kelly, Deirdre Clune and Liadh Ní Riada. Our students had ample opportunity to meet the MEPs as we were there so early. Having addressed the large crowd in attendance, the MEPs opened the floor to questions. Meabh and Antóin took the microphone and asked questions on the use of Irish in Europe and the implications of the Schengen Area on Ireland. We are very grateful in particular to Deirdre Clune and Seán Kelly, who remained behind after the event had finished and spoke at length with our students. Refreshments were provided for students and teachers and they were delighted to mingle with other people from different parts of Europe. We are delighted that Seán Kelly will be joining us as Guest of Honour at our awards ceremony in the Imperial Hotel on May 17th. Mr. George R. Barter, Honorary Consul of Portugal, will visit the school before the end of the month. Our students made very positive impressions on them on Europe Day!

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