Disability Access Route to Education

Seo roinnt eolais; Is scéim iontrála tríú leibhéal é DARE do lucht céimithe scoile a raibh tionchar diúltach ag a míchumais ar a n-oideachas dara leibhéal. Cuireann DARE áiteanna agus pointí laghdaithe ar fáil do lucht céimithe scoile a bhfuil taithí acu ar dhúshláin bhreise oideachais san oideachas dara leibhéal mar gheall ar mhíchumas.


The Disability Access Route to Education (DARE )scheme is a third level alternative admissions scheme for school leavers whose disabilities have had a negative impact on their second level education. DARE offers reduced points places to school leavers who, as a result of having a disability, have experienced additional educational challenges in second level education.

A student applying to the DARE scheme needs to provide evidence of:

  • Their disability/learning difficulty/significant ongoing illness and
  • How their condition has impacted negatively on their education.

UCC DARE Online DARE Clinics will be held on the following dates:

October 25thWednesday5 to 7pm Please click here to book a place
November 16thThursday3 to 5pmPlease click here to book a place
December 6thWednesday3 to 5pmPlease click here to book a place
January 24thWednesday5 to 7pmPlease click here to book a place

It is ESSENTIAL  to book.

Access UCC are also hosting joint DARE/HEAR in person clinics in The Hub, UCC, Dora Allman. These in person DARE and HEAR advice clinics will be held on the following dates:

November 22ndWednesday4 to 7.30pmThe Dora Allman Room, The Hub, UCC.
January 16thTuesday4 to 7.30pmThe Dora Allman Room, The Hub, UCC.

No booking is necessary.

It would be very beneficial to view the following videos on the DARE and HEAR schemes before the in person clinics.
Please click here to watch a 
video giving an overview of the DARE scheme.
Please click here to watch a 
video giving an overview of the HEAR scheme.