Daltaí Nua ag socrú isteach

Chuireamar fáilte roimh daltaí nua na céad bhliana ar maidin ó na bunscoileanna is gaelscoileanna áitiúila. Bhí lá indochtú spraoiúil acu inár bhuaileadar leis an bhfoireann Meitheal. Mar aon le sin fuaireadar a leabhair Chrome nua  atá saor in aisce do dhaltaí na céad bhliana.

Go n-eirí leo sna blianta amach romhainn

We were delighted to welcome our newest students to school today representing many of the local Gaelscoileanna agus National Schools. They had an enjoyable First Year Induction day during which they met the student leadership group, Meitheal. They also were given their new Chromebooks that first year students get free of charge.

We look forward to seeing them develop into exceptional young adults over the next six years