Daltaí Nua ag socrú isteach

Chuireamar fáilte úi Cheallaigh roimh ár ndaltaí nua sa chéad bhliain ar an Luain. Tá a formhór tagtha chugainn ó GS Teaghlaigh Naofa, GS an Ghort Alainn, GS na Dúglaise, GS Mhachain agus GS Peig Sayers. Bhí Indochtú acu leis an bPríomhoide, an Leas Phríomhoide is Múinteoirí Ranga. Mar aon le sin bhí Meitheal (ceannairí) ann chun cuidiú leo. Beidh ár óiche oscailte ar an 6ú Deireadh Fomhair. Thíos tá griangraf le roinnt den dream nua

We welcomed our newest group of students to the school on Monday. The majority come from GS Teaghlaigh Naofa, GS an Ghort álainn, GS na Dúglaise, GS Mhachain and GS Peig Sayers. They met with the Principal, deputy Principal and Class teachers. In addition the student leaders (Meitheal) were on hand to share their experiences and advice. Don’t forget that our Open night is the 6th of October. Below is a photo with some of the new students.