Cuairt an Árdmhéara

Bhí an ArdMhéara Cllr Deirdre Forde ar láthair na scoile inniu. Labhair sí go paiseanta faoin a ról mar Ard Mhéara agus faoin tabhacht a bhaineann lenár ndaltaí a bheith ag glacadh páirt sa tsochaí. Chuir sí béim faoi leith ar Ghuth an dalta freisin. Bhronn sí leabhair ‘ The Forgotten Lord Mayor’ ar an scoil. Raghaidh sé seo isteach go dtí leabharlann na scoile.

The Lord Mayor, Cllr Deirdre Forde, visited the school today. She spoke of her role as the sixth female Lord Mayor of Cork and of the importance of the students to be participants in society. She also emphasised the student voice. She presented the school with a copy of the book ‘The Forgotten Lord Mayor’. This will be placed in the school library as a source for historical research.