Comhairliú Maidir le OSPS agus OCG/ Consultation on SPHE and RSE in schools

A Chairde,

Tá an cumann tuistí NPCPP ag lorg comhairle maidir leis an OSPS agus an OCG. Tá webinar agus suirbhé  ar siúl acu agus an t-eolas ar fad thíos. Tá an nasc is ur uile ar fáil ag Is ar an 28ú Méan Fomhair ag 7-8 a bheidh an webinar. Is fiú a bheith páirteach sa phróiséas chun do ghuth a usáid

28th September – 7pm to 8pm

Consultations about the Social, Personal & Health Education (SPHE) / Relationships & Sexuality Education (RSE) Curriculum

#WednesdayWebinar Sept 28th @ 19:00

It is very important that ALL parents make their views known by participating in the consultation survey on the future curriculum being taught to your children on SPHE / RSE. 

Click here to have your say -> SPHE/RSE Curriculum SURVEY

Due to demand we are re-hosting our Relationships & Sexuality curriculum consultation webinar with the NCCA’s Annette Honan who will be available for a live Q&A about the consultation process afterwards. 

This webinar provides information on the opportunity for parents to feed into the SPHE/RSE online consultation (link above) which closes on the 18th Oct.