Ceardlann Mata do thuistí-Saor in Aisce/ Free Math Workshop for Parents & Guardians

Tá Examcraft ag cur ceardlann Mata ar fáil saor in aisce do thuismitheoirí. Tá eolas agus an nasc thíos.
Examcraft are providing a free workshop to parents and guardians on Maths. Information for this is available below.

The Maths Challenge
School leaders and maths teachers know that some young people struggle with
maths as they transition from primary to secondary school, and many parents
feel they don’t have the knowledge or skills to support them.

Maths Workshops for Parents
  To address this challenge, the Examcraft Groupis partnering with the Tuition
 to offer parents a series of online workshops to help them build their
maths skills and confidence so they can support their child. 
  Free Workshop on September 26th
The first workshop is FREE and is taking place on Monday, September 26th. 
Parents can enrol using the button below. 

Details of the entire 9-week programme can be found here
Enrol for FREE workshop here