Access UCC 

Tá UCC ag eagrú cúrsaí ar líne do dhaltaí atá riachtainisí foghlamtha, nó difríochtaí foghlamtha acu. Thíos sa thábla chíféa an éagsúlacht a bhaineann ann. Is í Deirdre Madden i UCC a eagraíonn na ceardlainne.

Access UCC’s Disability Support offers training in assistive technology for secondary school students (and their parents) who have disabilities/learning difficulties. Parents are encouraged to attend the training, so you know how to support students with using the technology afterwards.

  • All training is held online via Google Meet.
  • You will receive a link to the training the day before the training.
  • It costs €5 to book this training (if this is an issue, please email )