Mata agus Fisic/ Maths & Physics News

Tá rudaí an-ghnóthach na laethanta seo sa réimse mhata is Fisice. An tseachtain seo tá seachtar ón Idirbhliain ag freastail ar seachtain i MTU agus Institiúid Tyndal leis an Lárionad Photonics & Anailís Próisis (CAPPA). Is deis iontach í seo dóibh chun foghlaim faoin réimse seo sa Domhain réálach.

Amach anseo beimid mar ceann de cheithre scoil a bheidh ag obair leis an Dr David Williams ón Lárionad céanna chun an téama ‘Light Up Your World’ a iniúchadh. Is i gcomhpháirt leis an SFI a bheidh sé seo, agus foghlaimeoidh na daltaí faoi ról an tsolais i ndéantús bia, sa thimpeallacht, sa chóras sláinte is a leithéid.

Sa Mhata tá an chéad bhliain ar fad ag glacadh páirt sa chomórtas mata atá á eagrú ag Cumann Mata na h-Éireann. Tugann sé seo deis dos na daltaí a scileanna fadhb-réitiú a fheabhsú agus b’fhéidir áit a fháilt ar fhoireann na h-Éireann sna Oilimpeachaí Mata!

This has been an exciting week in the area of Maths and Physics. Seven of the transition year students are attending Munster Technological University and the Tyndal Institute with the Centre for Advanced Photonics and Process Analysis (CAPPA). This is a fantastic opportunity to see physics in a real-world environment.

Following from this we will be involved, as one of four schools, in another CAPPA project with Dr David Williams entitled ‘Light Up Your World’. This project, in conjunction with the Science Foundation Ireland, will allow students to learn about the role of light in the environment, in food production and in healthcare.

In Maths the first year students have this week taken part in the Irish Maths Association Maths competition. This is an opportunity for them to develop and challenge their problem solving skills and, for some, an opportunity to make the Irish team for the Maths Olympiad.